1ª Conferência de Saúde Societal

27th June – Pre-Conference

Workshop “Health and Well-Being at University”

This workshop aims to bring together a group of key actors in the university context (students, teachers and other professionals) to reflect on promising practices for the promotion of health and well-being in this area. After a first phase of presenting the main results of studies already carried out with students, an interactive discussion will follow with a view to creating original and viable ideas that can be put into practice in the near future. The intention is to listen to different voices and share experiences, seeking solutions to promote healthier university environments and a higher quality of life.

Open Session “Learning and Development in Health: Challenges and Opportunities”

The learning and development needs in the health sector are unique, which is an exceptional stimulus for talent development. Social interactions in health contexts are diverse and challenging. Technologies are updated frequently, requiring constant upgrading of systems and training. Furthermore, a great amount of regulations and an increasing number of outside individuals involved in the delivery and administration of healthcare services widens the scope for training. During the open session, we will bring together a group of stakeholders involved in providing and designing training for multiple health services. But we also listen to the views of decision-makers, with a prospective view on the future of learning and development in health.

Presentation of the 2nd Volume of the Book “Saúde Societal: Percursos de Investigação do Iscte”

As a phenomenon that crosses all levels of social structure, the understanding and promotion of health in contemporary societies has been capturing the attention of teachers and researchers of Iscte, which has led to an abundant scientific production, in several disciplinary areas, published in the best international journals.  

The publication Saúde Societal: Percursos de Investigação do Iscte, volume 2, presented here, gathers scientific articles written by Iscte teachers and researchers already published in international journals, translated into Portuguese (volume 1 can be consulted at https://www.iscte-iul.pt/conteudos/iscte-saude/2218/publicacoes).

This compilation aims to promote the dissemination of these articles, especially among those interested in looking at health from a multidisciplinary perspective and who value the Portuguese language as a vehicle for the appropriation and discussion of knowledge.  

28th June – Conference

Scientific Programme “Societal Health in the Post-Covid-19 Future”

The 1st Societal Health Conference – “Societal health in the Post-covid-19 future” – is an initiative developed by Iscte Saúde in collaboration with the Thematic Line “Societal health” of the Associate Socio DigitalLab for Public policies. This conference, which will take place at Iscte on June 28th, aims to promote interdisciplinary dialogue, creating a space for sharing contributions from behavioural, social and information sciences and technologies to address the major future challenges in the area of health. 

In this first edition, the theme refers to the reflection on the state of global health after the Covid-19 pandemic. After two years of pandemic, in which much has changed in society, in companies and in the lives of all of us, and in a time when health has assumed a new visibility and relevance, it is important to reflect on the evolution of the main challenges and opportunities of research, innovation and development in this area. The health area is in rapid transformation, becoming more digital, integrated, global, but also personalised and with a stronger focus on the empowerment of citizens. If in this context the traditional biomedical paradigm becomes, by itself, unable to face the current challenges, the contributions of behavioural, social and information sciences and technologies seem fundamental to us. In short, this conference aims not only to present innovative and current research work, but also to contribute to a multidisciplinary debate and reflection on the promotion and development of health care in a post-covid society.

Presentation of Iscte Health

Iscte Health is a network structure, developed with the purpose of strengthening Iscte’s positioning in the field of societal health. It aims to create a multidisciplinary space, where people from different disciplinary areas work together on health issues. Iscte Health supports and brings together what already exists in terms of research, training and intervention within Iscte and bridges the gap with new initiatives and partnerships. It is dedicated to promoting multidisciplinary initiatives, which implies the connection with other Iscte structures, such as the Rectory, the Communication Office, the SocioDigitalLab, the Research Units and the Schools and Affiliates. Iscte Health is composed by four horizontal teams (Research, Education and Development, Intervention and Scientific Dissemination) and six vertical teams (International Landscape, Smart Health Interdisciplinary Spaces, Communication and Involvement, SocioDigitalLab, Health & Art and Iscte Health Management). This network structure is scientifically coordinated by Luísa Lima, with the collaboration of Henrique Martins and the executive management of Cristina Camilo.

Presentation of the SocioDigital Lab’s Thematic Line “Societal Health”

This is one of the five research thematic lines of the Associate Laboratory SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy of Iscte. From a multi-level and interdisciplinary perspective that integrates behavioural, social and technological sciences, this thematic line aims to explore the diverse social determinants of health, innovating in the production of knowledge and evidence-based interventions that contribute to public policies and empower citizens, families, health professionals, organisations and communities to play an active and transformative role in the field of health. This thematic line is coordinated by Sónia Bernardes, João Ferreira and Elsa Pegado.